
14:20 Soph 0 Comments

Welcome to PositivelyPancakes! At 21 years old, studying English Literature and Philosophy at university, including living in Chicago for six months, and forever finding the excuses to visit every corner of this earth, I am here to inspire you to embark on the journey to compassionate vegan lifestyle. Whether you are already vegan, never considered it in your life or just on the edge of this lifestyle, everyone is welcome here! Check out my FAQ page for loads of info about veganism, have a look around, try out some recipes, get inspired to buy that plane ticket and hop aboard this spiritual journey with me! 

If you want to see my travels in actions, get a glimpse at my favourite vegan recipes or just want to find out more about me you can go check out my youtube channel (positivesoph). If an attempt at a somewhat organised instagram page is more your thing then you can catch me over at @positivesoph, for any questions you can ask me over on tumblr (positivesoph) or hit me up at positivesoph@gmail.com! Enjoy your stay here and be sure to let me in on the secrets of your journey in this universe! 
Keep your soul happy - Sophie :)